Thursday, September 8, 2011

Bad Cell Phone Usage Behavior Correction

I love Target don’t you?  I think they have the cutest stuff there.  This is not about Target however.  This is about super rude, ill mannered, oblivious people all over this Earth.  There I was in line at the checkout patiently waiting my turn.  The stupid lady in front of me starts talking on her phone while she is being rung up.  She begins to write down a message while I am waiting for her to pay.  At this point you are holding up the line, being selfish and what tiny little shred of patience I did have is gone.  She begins to relay the information back to whomever is on the phone.  I practiced restraint and didn’t yell at her which I normally would do in these types of situations.  I did give her a Vladimir Putin-esque icy stare and there may have been assertive foot tapping targeted at her.  Finally and quite remarkably she puts down the phone and swipes her stupid card so that the rest of us can get on with our lives.  Please let me know why you are so much more important than everyone else in this line because from where I stand you just look like another selfish drone.

I have said this before and I will continue to say it; talking on the phone is not always okay.  It is NOT okay while driving, while waiting in line and holding up the line, while working out, while walking and interfering with other people trying to get around your self important ass, not okay at dinner, in theaters, churches, classrooms and other incredibly obvious situations.  If you can’t bring yourself to yell at someone when they are acting like a moronic tool, try listening to their conversation.  Listen good and hard, maybe even talk to the person on the phone while they are on the phone about what they are saying. Act like you are part of the conversation; make them think you are crazy.  Sort of an eye for an eye approach to behavior correction.  I am positive they will find this annoying and maybe, just maybe they will learn a valuable lesson.  Most likely not but no complaining if you don’t try.

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