Tuesday, August 30, 2011


Why must everything end with “licious”? I am very tired of this. I understand that delicious is a word and I enjoy delicious things such as food and drinks; the occasional book or article could be called juicy and delicious. However why must we combine words and call things juicylicious, or fabulicious? Stylicious, beautylicious, bootylicious, blah blah blah. We get it, let’s move on already. I am worried that we are creating a generation of English speakers who can’t speak English or even hand write it let alone use a dictionary instead of spell check. We are bombarded with these fake words from every direction. With media consumable 24 hours a day and in a million different forms there is simply no way to isolate yourself from the epidemic. Does no one take pride in speaking well and sounding professional and/or educated? Is speaking well a lost art like penmanship? Does anyone in America know how to write in cursive? With the death of penmanship so dies our appreciation of a handwritten note or thank you card. I contend that a Thank You written in your own hand carries more value now than it ever did before and simply because nobody hand writes Thank You cards anymore. Christmas/Holiday cards have a signature inside and a folded up typed piece of paper letting the recipient know how much they have been thought of over the course of the year. Really? You care so much that I too received a copy of the form letter you sent to everyone else on your list? Sometimes you aren’t even lucky enough to get a real signature in the card, just a printed name. I think we should have THE QUICK BROWN FOX JUMPS OVER THE LAZY DOG day where we are all required to write this over and over again in cursive lest we forget how to do so.
Below are pictures of beautiful handwriting. I wish it were mine but sadly it is not. Notice that one of the pictures is a note that begins dear friend. Tell me when is the last time you received a note from a friend that was handwritten and not an email? Also notice none of the letters contain words ending in “licious”.


  1. although i have a tendency to make up words sometimes, i don't like that they are actually considered part of our language now. like bootylicious. i mean, really?

  2. Amy, I totally agree! I say dumb things and make up words to use with friends/family but to be considered a real part of the language makes me sad for our future!
