Sunday, August 28, 2011

Cupcake Conspiracy!

Fancy cupcakes are extremely popular right now.  There are entire stores dedicated to producing only cupcakes and many have become wildly popular and successful. They offer cupcakes in every color and flavor. If you were to ask me what my favorite food is I would tell you dessert.  I love sweets and I consider myself a connoisseur of desserts.  As with all food I am very particular about dessert and my appreciation of the cupcake is no different.

Now let’s get to the crux of the discussion shall we?  I obviously have not sampled all the cupcakes in the world nor have I gone to all the fancy cupcake stores in the world and tried all their offerings.  However, of all the fancy cupcakes I have tasted I have yet to have one that tasted better than one I make at home and I think I know the reason why.  Fancy/gourmet cupcake makers focus on the frosting.  Usually the frosting is sky high and comes in a million different flavors.  It is applied to the little cake ever so delicately to increase its visual appeal.  The quality of the cake in my opinion suffers.  They are these mass produced dry little cakes with no moisture maybe even made the day or night before then frosted in the morning.  All the attention goes into making the frosting flavors and I assume that cupcake makers think that the massive frosting application will distract the consumer from the inferior cake quality that tastes more like a cotton ball than a dessert.

Well I will not be fooled by this frosting conspiracy!  Why you might ask?  Well I hate frosting!  I scrape it off cupcakes, cakes, cookies, etc.  Anything that might have frosting on it, I scrape it off before I eat it.  When I make cupcakes at home, I leave some unfrosted for me to enjoy to save myself the trouble of having to remove the frosting later on.  Once the frosting is removed the true caliber of a baker is revealed and there is no hiding from quality cover ups.  Scrape off that frosting and inspect the cake; is it over cooked?  Does it look moist or is it dry?  Does the cake crumble and when you take a bite do you feel the need to drink water while it is still in your mouth so that you can swallow?  If you answered yes to any of these questions you have just eaten an inferior crappy cake disguised as gourmet by fancy frosting.

Consumers of the world unite against the dry cake and take a stand!  If you get a dry cake return it and maybe write a Yelp review about it.  We must demand higher moisture to cake ratio! 

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